Foundry Culture
Stu steps up for climate change

When he’s not raising money, he’s raising awareness…
By now, you’ve no doubt heard about the record-breaking relay that is tackling green issues head on. COP26 host city, Glasgow, kicked off the proceedings recently for the world’s biggest climate change event. Thousands of runners, cyclists and sailors will pass the baton over 7,767km in just 38 days to carry the message to world leaders that we are #RunningOutOfTime.
Being both a keen runner and environmentalist, it was only natural that our Assistant Creative Director wanted to take part. On Monday 3rd October, Stu began his leg of the journey running from the National Union of Students, Macclesfield, with SOS-UK to the Swan Inn, Kettleshulme.

This challenging 14km run, with an elevation of 415m, represented stage 60 of the epic relay which will take athletes across 18 different countries. The iconic baton was fitted with a tracking device allowing eager spectators to view participants’ progress online.
Over the next few weeks, the relay route will take in vulnerable seas, mountain ranges, glaciers and deserts, putting the spotlight on the green agenda, engaging climate change advocates and educating young people in schools along the way. It will finish in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, the COP27 host city, on November 3rd for a Global Schools’ Day.
The main message from the event organisers is simple, you can also add your name to it in support:
“We are running out of time. Quality climate education is critical if we are to equip people of all ages and in all places with the knowledge and skills necessary to build a future in which all can thrive.
Young people need to be recognised as leaders, placed at the forefront of the conversation about climate change and empowered through education. We are calling on the world's leaders to provide us with the skills and training to build a sustainable world.
Our world is warming and to keep the increase to 1.5 degrees we need forward thinking, consistent policies and funding to help us reach Net Zero Emissions. We are committed to help build a future that is inclusive and sustainable for all. Show by your actions, not just words, that you are too. Help us get there!”
This was enough to inspire Stu to run and play his part in this record-breaking event which will raise awareness of climate change around the world and educate the next generation on the importance of looking after our planet.

Being a regular long distance runner, Stu admits his involvement was more about making a point than a personal challenge. He enjoyed chatting to other runners along the way but also felt a great sense of purpose as he completed his leg of the relay.
“I don’t usually feel euphoric after a run, but this felt special, like getting a PB. Even though it wasn’t particularly challenging – the weather was perfect with some brilliant views – it was just a great feeling of taking part in something that gets an important message across”.
Stu believes that education is the key to tackling climate change and that his own exposure to green themes at an early age have shaped him into the environmentalist he is today.

“When I was about 7 or 8, I remember a teacher delivering a lesson on Greenpeace and saving the whales. That was the catalyst for me. I think everyone should be bothered about the environment and it must start in schools. The purpose of the baton is so symbolic. It’s about passing on that knowledge to the next generation and keeping the momentum going.”
Even though the relay wasn’t a race, there was a time limit to complete the distance to convey the race against time. With Stu’s part over, his run home through Lyme Park reminded him of the reason for taking part: “If we want our beautiful landscape to be here for our children and grandchildren to enjoy, we need to act now.”
Thank you, Stu, for flying the Foundry flag for health, well-being and vitality and for raising awareness of this very important cause. We’re all proud of you. The next brew round is on us! We'll continue to follow the Climate Relay progress on their Instagram page and we hope you will too.