It’s our birthday and the gifts are on us!

We’re nearly halfway through 2023, and already it’s been a busy year. Today is officially our birthday, and not just any birthday, our 25-year celebration!
When we sat down to have a chat about how we should celebrate turning 25, we all agreed it should be something big that lasts the whole year. We also wanted to make sure it wasn’t all about us. So we started coming up with ideas that could benefit the 3Cs – local charities, communities and climate change, 25 ideas to be exact.
We’ve already completed a huge chunk of our 25 goals. Here’s a bit of a roundup of what we’ve been doing so far to celebrate our milestone year and give something back to the people and causes that matter.
1. Planting trees for Sow the City
First up was a day of replanting with Sow the City in Urmston. This social enterprise runs rewilding projects across our great city to make school grounds, community sites and public parks greener spaces. We all rolled up our sleeves and dug deep planting 203 saplings, one for every client. You can see how we got on here.

2. Dog walking for Dementia UK
In March, we made our pooch walks count for Dementia UK, a charity very close to our hearts at The Foundry. Along with thousands of other dog walkers we set ourselves the challenge of walking 100km throughout the month in support of this incredible charity.

3. Donating tech for tech
Next, we decided to help out Mottram St. Andrew primary school by donating the old tech we seem to have acquired in the office. The school will be taking all old laptops, phones and iMacs to be recycled to raise money to buy new laptops and tablets for their pupils.

4. Keeping Media City tidy
We very much like to be part of the community here at Media City and to do our bit to keep public spaces tidy. We’ve signed up to Salford litter picking scheme and gone out in groups to keep the area near our office free from rubbish. We now have all the equipment we need to do this on a regular basis, so look out for us on our litter picking trips!

5. Encouraging the next generation
Our MD, Mark Bottomley, and Senior Art Director, Mital Daya, were mentors at the Creative Resource Two + Two event which is designed to nurture students who want to get into the creative industry. It was a great day from start to finish with some brilliant ideas in response to the brief on tackling climate change. Well done to all involved.

6. Bringing boring spaces to life
We’ve all been given a bag of flower bombs and been set with the task of finding an area that would benefit from some wildflower blooming and creating a buzz for bees. Keep a look out on our feed as we’ll be documenting the progress of our flowers as they start to bloom.

7. Supporting clients running the London marathon
Finally, we made a donation to support our clients and friends over at Théa Pharmaceuticals who took part in the London marathon. Huge congratulations to all those involved. What an achievement and a truly deserved sponsorship.

We’re really proud of what we’ve managed to achieve so far, but we still have a way to go to complete all 25 by the end of the year. If you’d like our help with anything for your community or a charity, then please give us a shout as we’d love to get involved in supporting your projects.