
AI winners: The industries that will Rise + Shine

Generative AI is all over our newsfeeds. As we become more familiar with its endless possibilities, which businesses will benefit most?

Despite being around for many years, last year AI went mainstream with the explosion of free-to-use tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E. As generative AI technology continues to advance – by 2030 the AI market size is expected to reach $2 trillion – here are some of the industries set to capitalise…

eCommerce and logistics

Companies with large scale operations have been using AI for years to automate processes and streamline business transactions. While tools that can analyse images and create descriptive text can simplify product descriptions, robots are being introduced to expedite laborious warehouse tasks.

According to Forbes, after a 10-week trial of computer vision technology, M&S reported warehouse accidents were down 80%. For brands selling online, AI can increasingly be used to simplify customer communication and product recommendations to increase conversions.

Healthcare and pharmaceuticals

This is where the tech really comes into its own. From diagnosing cancer to performing operations remotely, AI is transforming life sciences and fuelling scientific breakthroughs. AI can automate mundane tasks and offers the promise of getting people seen, diagnosed and treated faster. AI in healthcare still relies heavily on human input to be effective but has some real-world cost- and time-saving potential.

Every year, we help several of our healthcare clients to exhibit at international conferences and this year, we’ll be exploring the use of AI and immersive technology.

Software and technology

AI can automate certain elements and basic programming tasks so the experts can focus on elements that require human insight. Brands that provide Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms, such as Dropbox and Salesforce, will use AI to improve personalisation, uncover unique customer insights and test outcomes.

The fact that AI can quickly mine data will enable businesses to make reactive, time-critical, strategic decisions and minimise risks.

Advertising and marketing

Text, image, audio and video creation tools are opening up new ways of working for the creative industry as users become more familiar with their capabilities. AI influencers are already being used by big brands such as Prada, Calvin Klein and Chanel which is an interesting development and definitely one to watch.

While LinkedIn is awash with scaremongering stories about machines stealing our jobs, the smart ones who are in it for the long game will always win out. Marketers that are early adopters of AI and keen to learn FAST will enable clients to stretch budgets further, speed up processes, target more efficiently and stand out from the noise.

We’re a curious bunch by nature and we’ve risen to a fair few technological advances in our 25 years of business. We’re excited to start using AI to help our clients shine and always want to be learning more. Give us a call to chat anything AI, as we'd love to hear more from people within the creative industry who are embracing AI advances.


About The Foundry

The Foundry is a strategic communications agency, based in Manchester, delivering fully-integrated marketing campaigns for B2B, B2C, public sector and healthcare clients. Compliance marketing services include qualitative and quantitative research, branding and packaging design, social media campaigns, educational websites, CPD programmes, online learning tools, in-clinic training materials, posters and patient literature.

For more information, please call 0161 926 8444.